Cement for
the biggest load
and strained

high-strength Portland cement 42.5 R

High-strength Portland cement for concretes requiring the highest strengths and a fast form removal or load of the structure, also suitable for concreting in cool weather thanks a high level of hydration heat.


CEM I 42.5 R is characterized by a rapid increase in strength, while achieving a high initial strength and final strengths (after 2 days in the range of 29 to 36 MPa, after 28 days from 57 to 62 MPa). During solidification is manifested by a high development of heat of hydration.


  • concretes of high strength classes and concretes where fast demolding is required
  • demanding structures made of reinforced concrete and plain concrete (bridge structures, pillars, etc.)
  • small concrete elements (blocks, paving, etc.)


  • the rapid increase in early strengths enables a

    • quick demolding of products
    • quick walk-on-ability of concrete surfaces
    • quick load of the concretes produced
  • high early and final compressive strengths
  • good workability, colour fastness and low volume changes
  • the high development of heat of hydration enables concreting even in cool weather

Essential Properties Harmonized Standard
STN EN 197-1: 2011
2-day compressive strength (MPa) => 20 29 – 36
28-day compressive strength (MPa) =>42,5 =<62,5 MPa 57 – 62
Initial setting time (min) =>60 210 +- 30